Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on long-term medication which has been approved by the GP for repeat prescriptions, can
place orders in the following way:
Online using EMIS Patient Access - if you have access to the internet this is the most convenient way to order your repeat prescription. It allows you to track and check the status of your request. To register for this service please telephone the Practice to arrange an online account. If you are already registered please click the following link to place your order
In person/post - tick the items required on the computerised repeat slip and forward it to the Practice. If you don't have a repeat slip write a note with your name, address and date of birth along with the name of the drugs required. If attending in person please post your request in the red post box in the porch area between the external and internal doors. If you wish your prescription to be posted back to you please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
At your local Pharmacy - request items as above and hand to your local Pharmacy.
It takes 48 hours for a prescription to be generated by the Practice. We ask that you only order items you require to prevent overstocking and reduce medicine waste. Also please check with the Pharmacy regarding the status of your Prescription Order before contacting the Surgery.
Please ensure you state which Pharmacy you wish your prescription to be sent to as no prescriptions can be collected at the Practice.
Repeat Prescription requests will not be accepted over the telephone, this helps free up our lines for appointment requests.