Health Visitors
Introduction to your Health Visitor Team:-
your child will be given a named Public Health Nurse/Health Visitor (PHN/HV) and have open access to our team until your child goes to school
our team includes 3 Health Visitors, a Nursery Nurse and a Community Staff Nurse
Student Nurses and trainee Health Visitors learn with us whilst on placement from University. You may meet them at any of your contacts with our team.
we work with other health professionsals eg GP's and Paediatricians
using the GIRFEC model (refer to red book) to support your child's health and well being needs, our team liaises with other professionals and voluntary organisations eg Nursery, Social Work and Police
Child and Family Support:-
a PHN/HV will plan with you the support that your child needs to promote growth and development
your child will be allocated an HPI (Health Plan Indicator-Core/Additional) that gives an idea of the support your child needs from our team. This HPI may change as your child's needs change
Health Promotion contacts at age 6 weeks, 4 months, 1 year and pre school
your child's growth and development will be formally assessed at 8 weeks and 27 months.
The Health Visiting Team are not based in the Practice however can be contacted on 01592-640457